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What are the best ways to handle STRESS?


Many of us face stress every day, but we might not know how to deal with it. At work, stress can lead to numerous distractions that can cause unintentional accidents and mistakes. At home, stress can put a strain on our family and friends. It is essential to learn how to handle stress because it can affect our performance and relationships in the workplace and at home.

Stress usually occurs when there are changes in our life. When we feel that we don’t have the right resources to deal with those changes and demands, we experience stress. Stress can occur not only from negative life experiences but also from positive ones. People react and deal with stress differently, but common stress symptoms include upset stomach, fatigue, tight neck muscles, irritability, and headaches. Some people react to stress by eating or drinking too much, losing sleep, or smoking cigarettes. Stress may also make you more susceptible to illnesses, including the common cold, ulcers, and some cancers.

The first step to managing stress is identifying your “stressors,”; the things that make you react. Stressors may not only be events that cause you to feel sad, frightened, anxious, or happy. Many things cause stress, like your thoughts, feelings, and expectations.

  • Not enough time
  • Unexpected change
  • Family problems
  • Extra responsibility
  • Personality clashes
  • Money difficulties

Everyone must deal with life’s problems. A key to dealing with the big and little everyday stressors is learning how to cope with stress positively.

Acceptance – Many of us worry about things we have no control over. One way to manage stress is to accept when things are beyond your control. It may be helpful to think positive thoughts such as, “Someday I’ll laugh about this,” or “It’s a learning experience.”

Attitude – Try to focus on the positive side of situations. Ask yourself, “What good can come out of this?” “What can I learn from this situation?” and “How can I handle this better when it comes up again?” Solutions become more evident and manageable when you focus on the positive and reduce your stress level.

Perspective – We often worry about things that never happen. Keep things in perspective by asking yourself, “How critical or serious is this situation? Can I do anything about it? In five years, will I even remember it happened?”

Think about the situations in your life that cause you stress. Are they necessary or unimportant? Are they within your control or not? If they are controllable events, you can take action to change the situation. If they are uncontrollable, you can use your acceptance, attitude, and perspective skills to reduce the stress.

Tips for Managing Stress and Anxiety in the Workplace

Begin self-care at home.

It is essential to get enough sleep. The amount required to be sufficiently rested differs from person to person. You will need to pay attention to how much sleep you need to feel fully rested. Research suggests that it is good to avoid screens, i.e., phones, tablets, and laptops. Other suggestions include not to read difficult or emotional books or vigorous exercise before bed, but everyone is different. If you need the TV to fall asleep, that’s fine if it isn’t a disruption. Consulting a professional is wise to do if you experience serious sleep problems. Before you leave for work or start your workday, give yourself time to prepare nutritional and balanced lunch and snacks.

Be mindful of your physical environment at work.

Take some time to figure out what you need to create a space that is conducive to a productive working environment. Doing this may mean that you need to declutter or rearrange your desk.

Take breaks.

Even with perfect posture, sitting for too long isn’t good. Get up and walk around or stretch every thirty minutes or so to keep the blood moving. Even if you exercise regularly, prolonged sitting is not good for the heart, so build activity into your workday.

Movement is vital for reducing stress and anxiety, but so is stillness. Don’t underestimate the power of closing your eyes and breathing. Deep breathing increases the oxygen in the blood, improves mental clarity, relaxes muscles, and lowers blood pressure. Slowly inhale on a count of four, hold for a count of eight, and exhale for a count of four. A few minutes of deep breathing will clear the mind and help you refocus your energy.

Lighten up on caffeine.

While research suggests some therapeutic effects from moderate coffee intake, caffeine is a stimulant and addictive for some people. Excessive caffeine consumption is linked to many chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure and headaches. Moderation is key.

Positive outlook on life.

A positive outlook on life can reduce stress across all avenues of your everyday life. You always have a choice to view a situation in a positive or negative light. If you are feeling overwhelmed, try changing up your environment. Go for a walk or go to the gym.

Take time off.

No matter how positive your outlook stepping away from the job from time to time is essential. Many people are reluctant to take time off, fearing it may make them appear less dedicated to their work. Still, people who take vacations come back relaxed and more productive. Taking a break to do something you enjoy can give you a new perspective and energy.

Take part in company-sponsored events.

Be more engaged at your company meetings and events. Our company participates in virtual Bingo, Java with June (coffee and conversation), and other fun and collaborative virtual events. Play your part at your company to participate and be more involved.

Be creative.

What you do in your free time can influence the amount of stress in your life. Find hobbies that inspire you, such as drawing and painting, photography, ceramics, or music. Classes that help you be more active, like dance, yoga, meditation, or tai chi, contribute to better mental and physical health by strengthening mind, body, and spirit. Feeling relaxed and balanced helps reduce overall stress both at home and in the workplace.

It’s impossible to avoid stress altogether, but you can create a more positive working environment by listening to your body’s needs. By paying attention to diet and exercise, taking breaks, and including creative outlets, you can keep stress and anxiety from taking over your workplace.

Remember, always stay positive and be happy!

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